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    Ten Steps in Participating in the Great Georgia Pollinator Census:


    1.  Look at the Insect Counting & Identification Guide (below) to become familiar with how to identify the insects you will see.
    2. Choose a favorite pollinator plant in your garden.  This should be a plant that you have noticed attracts insects!
    3. 中国执行信息公开网:说明 鉴 于本网站众前发布的累计纳入失信被执行人名单的数据,包含有因履行完毕义务等原因已从失信名单中退出的情形,众及同一被执行人因多个执行案件被多次纳入失信名单的情形,为了更加确切地反映当前失信主体的个数,自即日起,本网站发布的相关数据为扣除众上两种情形之后的数据 ...
    4. Head to the garden and set up next to your pollinator plant.
    5. Set a timer for 15 minutes.
    6. Watch your plant for 15 minutes and count how many insects land on any part of that plant.
    7. Put those insects into the census categories: Carpenter Bee; Bumble Bee; Honey Bee; Small Bee; Wasp; Fly; Butterfly/Moth or Other Insects.
    8. Take your counting sheet to your computer and go to this website.  Early on the morning of August 21st the portal will open for you to log your insect counts.  Log your counts!  Every count is important!
    9. Print out your Certificate of Participation.  Hang it up!  Show your friends!
    10. Pat yourself on the back.  You did a great thing for pollinators!


    Print a copy of this handy counting sheet to take with you to the garden for counting!  老王最新版

    • Veggie-Egg Burrito from Candace Tucker, UGA Coweta County FACS Agent.
    • Italian Zucchini from Danielle Anthony, UGA SNAP-Ed. 
    • Frozen Banana Splits from Rebecca Hardeman, UGA Clayton County FACS Agent.




    The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (working cooperatively with Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the counties of Georgia) offers its educational programs, assistance, and materials to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or protected veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action organization.

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